About Topaz Charm

Welcome to Topaz Charm!

We appreciate you taking a few moments to learn about us.  As of April 2021, we launched Topaz Charm to the public.  To ensure quality of our hand made products, we are promoting just a few of our designs.  New designs will be introduced periodically, each with its own inspiration and special meaning.  We invite you to come back from time to time to see our latest creations.

Topaz Charm evolved during moments of peace and tranquility.  I would sit outside stringing beads while listening to music, absorbing the sun’s rays, and enjoying a cool drink.  

After some time I began to share by gifting my creations, usually when someone would comment on my jewelry. Enjoying the hobby, I managed to build a small inventory and after some careful planning, Topaz Charm was created.

This new venture continues to bring me peace and is a work of love that surprisingly connects me to memories, people, and places I treasure.  This is a blessing for me and it's my hope that through the creations of Topaz Charm, you find enjoyment and are blessed as well.

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